Making Facial Recognition Accessible For All

May 18, 2020  Facial Recognition

By Millie Hall

Facial Recognition to the masses is something that is used to watch us, invade our privacy without us knowing. Its something for the police, for the authorities, for those we dont see.

Its fair to say that the way the media reports facial recognition has helped to drive this perception. We hear how San Francisco has banned it, how Europe are considering banning it and the uproar in London about the police considering to use it in public places. Despite these measures being put in place to help make our cities safer, the use of facial recognition by the government has been widely condemned. As a result, this amazing technology has got a bad reputation, with society feeling afraid and threatened by its name alone.

What the media ignore, is the fact that many consumer brands are using facial recognition to delight consumers. Apple uses it in Facelock to unlock your iphone safely. Snapchat uses it in its filters, to provide entertaining snaps. Facebook uses it to help you see when your friends have uploaded photos.

Whats left, is to really put Facial Recognition into the hands of consumers. In this way, consumers will begin to see that they too can put it to use. They can gain access to information they would otherwise miss out on and do things in a more efficient, secure way. We think that once this is unleashed, people will look more kindly on the technology as something that can empower them, rather than feel threatened by its power. Curious? Follow us on Twitter to find out more or read more about how we make our Facial Recognition as secure as possible here.