How to Increase Event Engagement

August 4, 2020  Events

By Millie Hall

Getting people to buy tickets to your event is one job – but getting them to engage with your experience and brand is another! Events allow people to learn, experiment and connect; but only if you manage to engage them successfully. Here are a list of our top tips to make sure you put on a show stopper of an event that will win over your attendees.

Do your Homework

Understand your audience. Are they coming to your event to learn, to network or to be entertained? Understanding your audience demographics will help you tailor the event experience, whether that is virtual or physical. Plan the day around these insights to ensure maximum event engagement.

Schedule Time Out 

If your event is virtual or in-person it’s important to provide guests with the time to provide regular breaks. Well-timed breaks can promote networking among speakers and guests and allow information to be digested prompting thought-provoking questions.

Get Creative

Sometimes the best way to promote engagement is to surprise guests with new initiatives. Throwing a mic into the audience can encourage conversation and with the help of a leader can create organic debates. Interaction is key for attendee satisfaction so let your guests have their voices heard. 

Go Digital

To provide your attendees with the best possible experience you should look to digital solutions which can optimize and enhance event engagement. 

Allow guests and event speakers to network online before the event. Make sure you have implemented social media to ensure that guests can create relationships with each other before the big day. 

Maximise Event Photography

Increase engagement by optimising event photography. Ensure that your guests have great memories to look back on, increase content and double your social proof overnight with fun, shareable photos from your event. 

Discover a new way to share photos with guests. Photofoxx is reliable, private and smart- we provide you with helpful analytics so that you can monitor event engagement and get a return on your event photography. Find out more about our solution here!